Thursday, September 17, 2009

Trapping is so much easier with the right attractants.

So you have an animal you want to trap. You have a good trap, but what do you put into the trap to attract the target animal? Well all animals have a variety of foods that they like. So you can always try a variety of foods that you have readily available to draw them in. This can be hit or miss, and you may use something that will attract a non-target animal into the trap. Sometimes this is a good thing, other times it can prevent you from catching the problem animal. Animal attractants is an art and a complex science that can take a lifetime to perfect. So if you have time, trail and error may be the method you choose.
When time is of the essence, trial and error is probably not the best route. Professionals depend on the experience of the professionals that came before them. Trapping pastes and oils have been designed over 30-40 years to create the best combination of attractants to catch your target animal. Depending on what animal you are trying to trap, asking one of the U-Spray Team for a recommendation is a good idea. A common situation that can happen when trying to trap a raccoon is you catch a cat or opossum instead. Raccoons will often become a problem when a homeowner is feeding cats in their yard. So the very food that is attractive to a raccoon is also attractive to a cat. Knowing what foods drive a raccoon crazy and are completely offensive to a cat is essential in this situation. This is easily resolved with our Loganberry Surprise trapping paste. Cats turn their noses up at the smell of this delectable raccoon attractant. The Loganberry Surprise is a proprietary(Top Secret) mixture of oils including loganberry oil. This paste combined with a common household ingredient sold at every grocery store will help you catch a raccoon overnight with no risk of trapping a cat that may frequent the same areas. If another attractant is used, you very well may catch the cat, and never be able to catch the raccoon as a result. You don't need 30-40 years experience personally to trap an animal, but it sure is easier when you have access to the people who do. If you have any questions you can call us at 800-877-7290. Don't forget the invaluable information at our website

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