Monday, May 24, 2010

Yikes! Be sure to get bites checked.

Don't end up like this women from GA.  She neglected to take a bite seriously that was showing signs of necrosis.  This is a sign that you have been bitten by a spider like a Brown Recluse.  The outcome can be very serious.  Beware-the-deadly-Brown-Recluse-spider-Georgia-woman-loses-breast-after-eleven-day-coma 

Although the Brown Recluse isn't the most aggressive spider, It's a good idea to follow good pest control practices when a Brown Recluse problem is suspected or confirmed.  To learn more about the Brown Recluse and how to treat for them go to   

Monday, April 12, 2010

TattleTale's can sometimes be a good thing.

Has your pet ever jumped onto a counter or table and absconded with food or broke something when you weren't around or paying attention.  Well that doesn't have to be a problem anymore.  Check out this product demonstration video. 

Wednesday, March 31, 2010


Death by Mosquito? In the Arctic, Canadian researchers who bared their arms, legs & torsos reported as many as 9,000 bites per minute from swarming newly hatched mosquitoes. At that rate a person could lose half their blood in two hours.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Need animal control?

Go to for all your animal control needs.  

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Wow the good mice videos just keep coming!

Don't find yourself wondering how they got away.  At we do have a better mouse trap.  

Saturday, February 13, 2010

You may need a bigger mouse trap!

If you do, we have a bunch!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Need to Kill Flies? can help you do that.  So now that you have all these dead flies, what are you supposed to do?  Here is an idea!

I would love to give credit to the creative person who shot these, but there was no name attached to the original e-mail I received.  But being a bug guy, I thought these were hilarious.