Many times we get calls from customers complaining of large flies finding their way into the home. This even happens in the middle of the winter which can be very baffling to the customer. Fortunately we have seen this happen literally thousands of times over the years. So we can usually pinpoint the cause in a few minute phone conversation. I can say without question the number one reason people find these flies in their homes can be traced back to the placement of rodent baits inside the home. Typically in an attic or basement. The rodent does not die right away and will crawl off to a place that it fills comfortable. That could be hidden in insulation, inside a wall void or under a cabinet. Initially the customer will smell an odor in many cases. This is because there is no MAGIC rodent bait that dehydrates, makes them leave the structure or any other common wives tale that may be told to encourage the use of a bait indoors. The one thing I will say about baiting is that it will be effective. The rodents will die. Unfortunately they could die anywhere.
Since we have seen the anguish that having dead rodents in a wall can cause someone, and unfortunately experienced myself twenty years ago, we try to persuade customers from baiting indoors. If they insist, we do have an excellent selection of professional baits. We also have an excellent selection of fly control products and odor control products and tools.
If your squeamish, you may want to skip the video. I will say that this is a really informative and interesting video though. Excellent close ups and slow motion shots.
mosquitoes breeding in salt water
11 years ago
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