Those of you who have never experienced a serious lady bug infestation will likely be wondering why we would have a video on how to treat for lady bugs. You may even be asking why would you want to kill such a beneficial insect. The reality is, a pest is only beneficial when it is living in it's natural environment. The lady bugs this article and video are referring to are Asian Lady Bugs or Asian Lady Beetles. They are not indigenous to the United States. They have been imported with the intention of protecting many types of trees from Aphids. They were imported because they are very hearty and can survive over winter. This allows the population to thrive in even cold climates. This is also the reason they are such a problem.
Once the Lady Bug has chosen your home as an over wintering site, you can count on ever increasing populations from year to year if you do not intervene with aggressive pest management principles. This includes spraying both indoors and outdoors, but is not limited to spraying only.
It is also essential to use other pest control methods to protect your home from these invaders. One way is sealing up all potential access points with IPF Foam and using the Pur Basic Gun to apply the foam will give you great control in making very precise applications. This is something that I have never been able to do with retail foam products. When offered as a service, sealing with this foam can cost a homeowner several hundred dollars.
There is a lot more to this treatment that we cover in our complete article at So if you are dealing with lady bugs, even a little, get ahead of the problem before the lady bug pheromones are all over your home causing ever increasing numbers that will be much more difficult to control.
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