The customer wasn't as confident in our assessment as we were, so he placed out a wildlife camera that is motion activated. These cameras are great for identifying mystery pests that cause damage. Especially when you can never manage to catch them in the act. Here is the image of the culprit in the act.
Sure enough it was exactly what we thought it might be. If there is one thing I love, it's being right. So now we know what is causing the damage what can be done? This is actually as important as knowing what it is causing the problem. This squirrel was causing 100's of dollars in damage in a very short time. Even more if you have to hire someone to get this porch back to it's prior beauty before meeting up with the squirrel.
I told the customer to use Ropel. This is a liquid repellant that is odorless, but most animals including me can't stand it's taste. Just a few treatments in the area the animal is chewing on will generally be enough to keep the squirrel from doing more damage. Ropel comes in quarts and gallons.
To Get more info on Ropel and our other products for squirrel control visit us at